


Well look at this... the realm of the spork finally got updated.  Damn.  That's new...   lol
Still workin' on the members pages...  hey people, I only got two people's info here... if you want it posted, you have to send it to me!


Well, I KINDA got my butt in gear...  what gear is up for discussion.  Neutral maybe? 
I've been doing a lot of work on my other site, and as NO ONE has been helping me here, there hasn't been much to work on, BUT, I managed to do some updates, add a new newsletter (ON MY OWN!) and straiten up some of the files...
Take a look around if you like.


Oh. My. Gods.  What's this my evil lil' eyes behold?  Wait, is it an update?....  could that be right?!?

YES, my friends!  An update it is!  Aah, it's not much now is it, but it is the boding of things to come.
I'm not real happy with how the links on the main page look right now, but hey, I'll figure that one out later.
No, really, I mean it.  I'm motivated now...  I just have to split my time between work and the OTHER webpage of mine (aah, my pride and joy)  so, when I get back from vacation (YAY!) next week, I'll be on it again.


I promise.



Note: If anyone wants him to do one for them, get ahold of him, he does stuff like that. His homepage is linked to the piccy (in case you hadn't noticed...) Check it out!!!


Added the SYK page.


So of course, I wait untill midnight to add another one, eh? Anyway, played with the anime page and.... hmmmm something else, oh ya! enter the relm of the spork again, and see if you notice a diffrence. *G* Ok, done now, must get sleep for tomorrow (see update below)

*Sooo utterly far from done....*

Well, having nothing better to do, I decided to add an update page, as suggested by Chuff (scary as that is). Soooooo What's new? Well, I get to go to a funeral tomorrow, that's gonna be REAL fun. Ohhh...you want the page updates? Well deal with it, my godfather just died. I must ask you, why the FUCK do people feel the need to smoke?!? (ok, that may not have been the entire reason, but it certainly didn't help any!) *sigh* But I digress (Yes Azzy, that would be #7) Don't mind me, I just need to vent.

ANYway, off of my little focus of the moment and back to the page. I added an anime page, finally. It's far from done, but It will have more links, a few pics, and be linked to my OTHER anime page that I'm working on now. SO, more or less, I'm just toying with you all. Like you care. *G* Ok, that's it for me, I'll add more later.

Karasu- with the first update...EVER


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All writings and other such insanity here are ours.  We have our own problems, please get you're own.   Please don't take anything from here without permission (why you'd want to, I don't know...) remember- we're crazy.  Do you really want to piss off the psycho's? 
Page production (or destruction? ) by Mistress Karasu...  er... WEBmistress Karasu.  Should she be proud of this?  Probably not.  But she likes her *other* page....   it's in the links, go find it.  (Hint:  it's an anime page.  Should this suprise us?  Probably not.)  Kudos to you if you've actualy *read* this.  Most people dont.  For that, I'll let you in on a secret.  We're crazier than we look...  and now we're taking new members.   *G*  Care to join us?