Under Core Society Newsletter Guess What? PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, ALL DAY LONG. I DO ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. HOW YOU LIKE ME NOTHING SONG. SORRY, ( so sorry) A bit preturbed. Here are the three steps to a somewhat normal life ( I guess, but I really wouldn't know.)... #1. If you are on a bus, and a strange person gets on, but you don't want them to sit next to you,as they walk past say,"THIS SEAT'S TAKEN." (in a gump-ish voice) #2. Just because a person is ugly doesn't mean you can walk up to them and say,"Hey your ugly,HA.. Ha..ha." ( I think?) #3. And it's NOT nice to walk up to a midget and say, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size." Well that was certainly something worth while. ( HA...Ha...ha. I guess I can't lie well without laughing.) Before you throw this away keep in mind it's hard to write without Sprite. Soooo next time if you want a better news letter give us some Sprite, PLEASE! Thank you. Just to let all you people that know what I'm talking about Chasm does not have a chubby face, it was the camera, the camera I tell you the camera, I never thought Chasm had a chubby face it was all the cameras fault. And now that I have that out of my system I feel much better. NOTICE: For all those going to the late meeting (you know who you are) the time has been changed once again, it's back to Wednsday night. Same time, but not by the Gerber Graves, we'll meet at Wallace. END. (This does not concern you Robin, Nikki, and Billy [Don't worry, we're just going to do what we do every night. Try to take over the world.]) >>>>>Note: this was written for the sole purpose of messing with mikes head (head of the KOTC...see the 'so you understand' page) He was convinced we were having sarcifices or something. Seriously, who has the time? *blatently bad joke* We didn't have midnight meetings, rarely passed though the cemitary. Unless I was looking for feathers, as they seemed to be all over the place there....(crafts. don't ask...) and we never NEVER hurt animals. Everyone who knew us, knew if they ever did (for whatever reason), they'd have Amy and I to contend with. This was a rather unfavorable thought for most.<<<<<< Sorry no priests this week James. Now its time to meet the dark side of F*cknut !!! RATED RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (part 1 of two) (F*cknut- your just too darn happy !) >>>NOTE: Poem was deleted. Wanna know why? because it wasn't his. Come on now james, you took a rant from ghosbutsers II? Not only that, a rant from an evil floating head. By all rights, rant's from evil floating heads are always bad. Ever watch Ronin warrions? Well, that was a pink and blue evil floating head, but it's the same general idea. now, now...next time, send us something you wrote, gods know your mind's dark enough, you should be able to come up with your own violent works of art. <<<<<< oh yes, I almost forgot ... we have to announce Danielle's new name (soon to be legaly) She is otherwise known as Kaphre. I've never seen a purple cow, I hope never see one. For I can tell you as of now, I'd rather see, than be one. We went to see The Craft. TOO MANY SNAKES!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEE IT!!! NOW, NOW, NNNNNNNNNOW!!!!!!!!!!! NOT A TYPO. I LIKE THIS FONT SO KISS MY BIG FOUNDING BUTT. (NOT A REAL OFFER) Amy don't feel bad. we didn't want you to burn. But mike did!! Karasu says, "mike's thoughts have caused me to burst into flames. oh the humanity." hey james, remember w? What a little puntuation. Grow little man, grow. Not you james!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gee golly beaver can we go fishing today????????? i'm going to go on strike and you are all going to have to pay me a lot of money so I don't burn down your houses. don't try to run, i know all the addresses. stay away from the mail trucks they have ears. the uniforms also burn your eye ballllllls. help me. for you james, quit your bellyaching! bye. me x---Chasm--------------------------------------- another one x--Karasu-------------------------------------- not needed or used. x---Jessica-----------------------------------